Golden Visa

Our company in collaboration with a wide network of real estate appraisers, notaries and lawyers will guide you in obtaining the Golden Visa in the most efficient way regardless of your place of origin e.g. China, Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, Egypt, etc.

The Golden Visa is a permanent residence permit granted to people who are not European Citizens and wish to obtain a Permanent Residence Permit in Greece. This residence permit provides access and the right to free movement in the EU, known as the Schengen area, which includes 26 European countries. The permanent residence permit is useful for Third Country Investors who wish to have permanent access and to operate in Europe, without the need to obtain a new entry visa each time they wish to travel to Europe. A very important advantage of this specific residence permit is that it enables the holder to establish a company.
The Golden Visa does not, however, allow its holder to be an employee – employed in any company in the Greek territory. Therefore, the investor residence permit granted to third-country nationals does not grant them the right to work in Greece, but only the right to set up a company.
The Golden Visa Program in Greece is a unique opportunity provided to natural persons as such, but also to their family members in the sense that all of them are allowed to reside unaccompanied in the EU.

In particular, the Golden Visa Program in Greece, allows to travel throughout the Schengen Zone, 90 days in total per each six-month period; in addition, there is always the possibility of insurance programs which constitute an advantage that is not easily found in the rest of the world , while at the same time the acquisition of a passport in case someone wishes to proceed with such an option can be launched after the end of the above described procedure.

Contact us and an associate will be in touch with you immediately.